Great Big Green Week - plan an event
We’d love as many people as possible to get involved in Tring’s Great Big Green Week. If you're a community group, business, school or an individual, have a think about what you’d like to do. Get a few people together to plan your event and the details of what, where, when and how. There are lots of ideas and resources on the GBGW website to help you. Once you are set, share your event by adding it to the GBGW website (there is a helpful video to explain exactly how to do this).
1. Create an account on GBGW website.
2. Add a new event (LOCAL EVENT) and list under ‘Berkhamsted and Tring’s GBGW’ (LOCAL GREEN WEEK)
3. Share your event on Facebook and email us so we can help promote it - don’t forget to send us any adverts or promotional images you have!