Get involved or donate
How to join in....
We’re always looking for volunteers for our wide range of activities. We have regular monthly events but we’re also involved with annual ones such as the Big Green Week and Tring’s own Apple Fayre. An extra pair of hands for a couple of hours can make a big difference. Maybe you have IT skills? We use social media and Mailchimp for communicating with our followers and could use some help with these.

Get in touch
Do you have some great ideas for activities we might try in Tring? Have you heard of exciting new initiatives that might help our cause? Get in touch and let us know.
We rely on donations and grants to help us continue our work. If you would like to donate, here are our bank details. Account name: Sustainable Tring / Sort Code: 08-92-99 / Account number: 65801642
If you would like us to acknowledge your gift, please email us.
With many thanks.